Branding + Visual identity

Ully Lages

Visual identity, brand strategy, signature, and graphic materials.
Latinoamérica Grita is a platform dedicated to sharing educational content on topics such as the environment, food security, biology, and science, focused on Latin American. As an educational channel, our goal is to transcend the limitations of traditional educational institutions and actively contribute to the learning process of those who engage with our content.
The challenge entailed the development of a visual identity and a versatile communication system capable of seamlessly adapting to the brand's multifaceted nature. Our goal was to create a cohesive language that would effectively engage both the academic sphere and the general public, all while upholding our commitment to sustainability throughout our creative endeavors.
To tackle this challenge, we established an adaptable visual guidelines for both digital and print. This strategic approach allowed us to incorporate our visual identity into the creation of graphic materials, thereby optimizing production costs and minimizing environmental impact throughout our marketing campaigns.

Thank you for coming this far and appreciating my work.
Designed by Wesley Domiciano
© All rights reserved.
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