Hello! I'm Wesley, a designer born in Rio de Janeiro and based in São Paulo. I've had the opportunity to collaborate with major brands, both in Brazil and abroad, including Nestlé, Fundo Vale, NESCAU, Circlua, GPTW, Banco do Brasil, Wright Capital and many others. Currently, I'm collaborating as a brand designer at Futurebrand SP. 
I look forward to working together with purpose-driven brands that are committed to driving change and making a positive impact on the world. I believe that the most impactful results are achieved through a collaborative approach, where strategy is integrated to deliver high-quality outcomes.
Freelancer designer
since 2021 > Current.
Brand designer at Futurebrand SP
2023 > Current.
Graphic designer at Grupo HEL
2022 > 2023
Administrative assistant at Favorita
2021 > 2022

I work with
Brand Identity 
Print Design 
Digital Design

Design: Product Design, UI Design, UX Strategy, Branding, graphic design, design thinking, typography.
Tools: Illustrator, Figma, Indesign, After Effects, Notion, Office, Wordpress, Notion, Slack, Typeform and Google Analytics.
Soft skills: Creativity, adaptability, fast learner, emotional intelligence and team worker.
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